I am thankful for the opportunity to continue my education. Remember how bitter I was about having to take that preaching class on Tuesday nights? Well, I started it last week, and I really think I am going to enjoy it. I was reminded of how privileged I am to even be in class again.
(in picture: uncle davy, me, aunt debbie, dad, brother ryan)
I am thankful for a strength that comes from God while I am serving in the hospital. I am currently on call 7am-7pm. I just shared a sacred moment with a family. The patient took her last breath while I was talking to her. That was a first for me…I’ve experienced several deaths, but never have I been so actively involved when it happened. When the daughter realized that she was gone she said “That was exactly what she needed. Thank you for talking so peacefully to her. I know God is holding her.” I am thankful that she knows God in that way. I pray that we can all experience death with such assurance.
Good is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.
Oh, and although there are MANY other things I am thankful for...here are two more...nephews Josh and Jacob at the Redskins game last weekend. Yes, the house is divided!!
nephews!!!??? does that mean your LITTLE BROTHER has kids??? oh my! and kids that are old enough to stand on a truck??? wow!