Wednesday, February 17, 2010

the second to last interview

one step away, step away.

yesterday i interviewed with three people who represented the Board of Ordained Ministry. they were the three who read all that stuff i turned in a few weeks ago. they were the three who were sent to see if i could articulate my effectiveness for ministry over the last two years. they were the three who voted to send me on to the FINAL interview on march 22nd. it's schedule for 9:30am at lakeveiw retreat center in palestine, texas.

thanks for all those prayers. oh, and a big thanks to God for always being with me. some of you may have already read this story that i wrote yesterday, but i wanted to post it here too, so i can be reminded of it.

"Something really cool happened to me as I was waiting for the rail this afternoon in front of the hospital (on my way to the interview). This man was sitting alone. It was beautiful outside. It was unusually quiet in the Med Center. Once I was close enough for him to talk to me he said, "I just love this fresh air. It reminds me of when I was a kid and used to go outside at night and look up at the stars. We just don't take the time to do stuff like that anymore...we just get so caught up in stuff. I don't even know the last time I saw stars.. I feel like I just need to slow down, take in this fresh air and go to the lake or something tonight so I can see the stars." The conversation continued and a rush of thoughts and emotions came over me. He almost quoted several lines of a sermon I preached last week. It was somewhat frightening. I seriously felt like I was having a conversation with God.

The sermon was about God speaking to Abram and saying "Come outside...Look toward heaven and count the stars if you are able to count them." Gen 15:5. In context, God was asking Abram to step outside his own doubt and anxiety and be reminded of God's promise...a promise to give him offspring in abundance, just like the number of stars in the sky. In that moment today, I snapped out of my own doubt and anxiety and was reminded of the promises God has made to me. I trusted that God has called me to be right where I am. I had a peace that was not there just moments before."

Thanks for being on the journey with me...


  1. That is a crazy story, but so awesome to see the way God's Spirit flows around us!

  2. march 22nd... posted on my calendar
    interesting to me that it is pastor allen and meg's birthday that day...
    may march 22nd be full of blessings and celebrations!
