Saturday, September 5, 2009

the gift

i feel like i just got home from a mission trip or a lock-in. i am exhausted. i had no idea that this schedule change would affect me in such a way. each morning i left at 6:30am and arrived back at my car around 6:30pm. i walked miles around the hospital. i tried a new pair of shoes everyday and am still not sure i have the right ones. i cried on the inside a lot due to my swollen feet and blisters (running a close second to my 3day walk experience). but, i did it all with a smile on my face begging God to give me the strength i needed to get through the day, and God did.

here are some of the highlights:

many conversations with the staff chaplains, who all inspired me as i watched them work on their floors.

seeing God in the faces of nurses and housekeeping staff around the hospital.

taking communion at our thursday morning prayer service (i am excited that i will have that each week was very formative duirng my three years at duke)

receiving my unit assignment...neurological icu, neurosurgery, surgical observation, a medical floor dealing with renal and diabetes patients, and some involvement in the psychiatry unit.

making my first visit with the night chaplain in neuro icu at 11:30pm on friday night where a man was actively dying...we prayed with the family who was beginning to realize the state of their loved one and anointed the patient with oil and prayer. it was this sacred and still moment in a room tucked away in this hospital where the days are filled with thousands of moving people and no lack of noise. i left the hospital after midnight full of life when physically there was little life left in me. as i began my journey home, i gave God thanks and praise for calling me and allowing me to be a part of that family for that moment. then i turned the christian radio station up in hopes to hear a good song to keep me alert only to hear the following words from the dj: "here's another prayer request. we lift up the family and loved ones of "hf" who isn't expected to make it through the night." "hf" was who i just prayed over. it was surreal, and i was alert. my eyes filled with tears and everything felt right.

so, as i sit here with coffee, homemade scones and house shoes i have two thoughts: one, i think i am going to find new meaning of and appreciation for sabbath! and two, i am up for being exhausted, blistered and pushed knowing that i will probably continue to receive gracious gifts from God like i did last night. that's who God is...the giver of good gifts. i look forward to being overwhelmed by God's love for his people as each day passes.

ps: it's kind of tricky sharing my experiences with you because of hippa laws and patient confidentiality, so there will never be any details...only my personal reflections and use of abbreviations or alias names.


  1. wow... all i can say... wow...

  2. excellent update!! keep them coming, my friend.

  3. go girl go! we have loved reading about your time. how beautiful to see God using you and working in your life. we love you!
