Saturday, January 9, 2010

the epiphany

did you know that january 6th we (the church) celebrated epiphany? this marks the event when the wise men followed the star and found baby jesus (matthew 2:1-12). immediately upon sight, they bowed down, worshipped and offered gifts. i wonder what it was like for them to recognize that this precious baby (who probably looked just as precious as we did!) was the king of kings. something must have been different. something was different.

they had seen the light.

last sunday my roommate stephanie challenged us in her sermon. she said, "what would it be like if this year, instead of being transformed by our new year's resolutions, we are transformed by the epiphany that jesus is king?" oh my gosh. that was it. God chose that question at that moment to speak to me....again. something happened.

i have seen the light.

this past week has been full of prayer, conversations, ideas, thoughts, new possibilities and a little fear. i have experienced that passionate and exciting feeling that i hope everyone has regarding the ministry they are engaged in. i have seen, in a new way, how all my past experiences have been preparing me for my next steps. i knew this year would be a year of exploration and growth, but some things have been beyond my imagination. please join me in prayer as i step out on faith and await God's full revelation regarding the ministry to which i am being called.

the light has not fully revealed the plan, but nonetheless i have seen the light. may God give each of us an extra measure of faith as we follow the star and courage as we bow down, worship and offer our gifts.

1 comment:

  1. I love this blog! You may or may not know I was born on the Epiphany. I always tell fellow catholics they should never forget my birthday. It was the day Jesus received his gifts as it was the day my mother received her gift. ME! Because the church celebrates the Epiphany on the Sunday before if it doesn't fall on a Sunday.This year especially I felt a little let down because the 12 days of Christmas seem to only be 9. I never saw my 10 lords a leaping 11 pipers piping 12 drummers drumming.:-)However I prayed & on my the epiphany/my birthday I saw the light...Today as I read your blog for the first time. I fell more enlightened.
