Sunday, April 11, 2010

the rollercoaster

up, up, up we go, then down so fast that it feels like our stomach is going to fall's a crazy feeling. but, for me, riding a rollercoaster is totally worth it!

it's the second sunday of easter. for many, the season of lent and the celebration of our risen Lord feels like weeks ago...not just days ago. so much happens in a week. our lives go in directions we could not have imagined. many of us experience moments of doubt and fear and then thank God most of us return to a life of assurance and faith, but only by the grace of God.

i am thankful for the moments that bring me back to that life of assurance and faith in a good God who has a good plan for me. sipping on a good cup of saturday morning coffee, jump roping and playing soccer with our refugee friends, enjoying the weather, and taking little maggie for a wagon ride around the neighborhood today are little reminders that i am right where i need to be...on the rollercoaster.

tonight i will find myself on call in the hospital from 7p-7a...a place where people are most likely not experiencing the joy i experienced this weekend. sickness and disease keep them in bondage; their bodies are unable to be so free. my prayer is that God meets them right in the midst of their doubt and fear so that they may either return or find for the very first time the joy that comes from a life of assurance and faith. or maybe the joy will simply come in knowing that they are on a rollercoaster and they are not alone.

thank you, God, for sitting next to us on the ride...

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